As many of you are well aware, there's a blog that has relentlessly attacked not only me, but the innocent people who come into my
"Marinade Dave" WordPress blog to read. Nothing is sacred. The final straw was last night, when a woman (YES, A WOMAN) put up a picture of one of my contributor's late daughter. She goes by the name
"curiouser" and
"Lisa." She has called into the
Simon Barrett BlogTalkRadio show to attack me. The only reason why I know she is from the Vancouver, BC area is because she originates from the 604 area code.
What she did was beyond hatred. This woman went too far. They all do at the "baldaintbeautiful" site, where we are vilified beyond reproach. "Kalalilly" constantly throws filth and disgusting threats out to everyone who comments anywhere on my blog. They hurl their vindictive bombs at a woman who lost two children to a drunk driver. They call her a liar. To hell with her and her dead daughters.
These women and men spend 24 hours every day making up stories about all of us. It is a hornet's nest and we are powerless to stop them. All they ever do is copy and paste my articles and everyone's comments, where every word we write is disseminated and rewritten completely out of context to suit their motives, which are blatantly about death and destruction to all who dare come to my site.
- They have stated that I am gay and have AIDS, and they have the proof. Where is this proof?
- They have attacked my relatives and published their addresses and phone numbers.
- They state they have proof that I, my parents, brothers and sisters are convicted felons. Where is the proof?
- They call me a drunk and a drug addict with no proof whatsoever.
- They accuse me of lying about my diabetes. I am insulin dependent.
- They accuse me of stealing from Medicare, Social Security, the IRS, and my own parents. They say I rip-off the entire state of Florida. Where is the proof?
- They say I do not work, yet they know nothing about me or any of my endeavors.
- They have written to every federal, state and local government agency, including the FBI, OCSO, SCSO, and the Casselberry Police Department about me. Why haven't any of them contacted me?
- They have submitted their perversions to local and national media outlets, yet no one has said a word about any of their baseless allegations.
- They complained to WordPress and Google about me. Why haven't I been shut down?
- They spread their lies on petition sites and craigslist, along with my phone number. Yes, I have received calls after midnight, but all they want to know is whether I'm a liberal or not.
The list can and will go on and on, but I did something to slow them down a bit. You see, I can't control any text at WordPress, but here, I put a stop to all their simple copying and pasting. I'm going to make the dirty creeps work harder. I know, it's going to be an inconvenience for my commenters. It will take some getting used to, but in the end, I want to protect my readers and commenters. What was done last night was beneath a sane human being, and this sort of degenerate activity goes on every minute of every day. Think of the people who hurled stones at the Anthony house after the Caylee story broke, all in the name of JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE. That's exactly what these people do, they attack us and finish by screaming JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE! They are nothing more than sleazy Internet trolls. To put up a picture of a dead woman was foul, and that's precisely what the Bald ain't Beautiful blog is all about. It is pure loathing, and its members deserve exactly what they will get.