Sunday, November 28, 2010

...To Judge Perry's Court We Go

In the United States, this past week was one of giving thanks to God, ourselves, others, and/or all of the above, for our many bountiful blessings - no matter how bleak the economy has been and might be in the future. As Thanksgiving fades and sugar plum fairies begin their month-long magical dance, the week ahead may very well be a time for the state and defense to give thanks for what they are about to receive in the courtroom. Or not.


(As far as I know, the invasive ads have been deleted)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Ballad of Casey Anthony

It is a well established fact that in America, Casey Marie Anthony is not guilty of murdering her daughter - not yet, anyway, and no matter what we think, it will take a jury of her peers to make that determination. Until then, she is presumed innocent and all we can do is speculate. No matter what the outcome next year, I truly believe her name will be synonymous with Lizzie Borden's. Lizzie, of course, found her father, Andrew, and stepmother, Abbie, hacked up by a hatchet in their family home in Fall River, Massachusetts, on August 4, 1892. A week later, she was arrested and charged with their murders.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Judge nods his approval

A teleconference hearing was held today in Judge Perry's chambers over a motion the defense filed to conduct DNA tests on two items,  a pair of Caylee Anthony's shorts and a bag. Both items were found at the scene where Roy Kronk discovered her remains in December of 2008.
The judge granted the defense team's monetary request for $2,084 over objections from the Judicial Administration Commission. The JAC argued that an in-state laboratory could check DNA on the items in question, while the defense wanted an out-of-state lab. 
During a recent hearing I attended, the judge made it clear the lab needed to be certified by the American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLAD). The defense originally wanted the evidence sent to a lab in Holland, but Judge Perry, in all his wisdom, made it quite clear that nothing would leave the country, where the court has no jurisdiction. Brad Bischoff, the JAC attorney, could not confirm that any of the labs listed as vendors in Florida were confirmed by ASCLAD. Jose Baez, on the other hand, argued that none of the state labs were certified. He cited a lab in Pennsylvania and the judge agreed that's where the items will go.
It is a small battle won for Jose Baez & Co., but I would surmise that ultimately, it's only a win if the lab finds something that will incriminate someone else, or it could somehow benefit Casey if nothing is found that points directly to her. Otherwise, I don't see it helping her one bit, and in the overall scheme of things, if it does, it's just one tiny piece from the vast army of incriminating evidence the state has accumulated to wage this war against her. In the end, the good guys will win. Choose sides wisely.
In another matter, Bob Kealing's report on dead bugs must have the defense worming around right now. Watch his exclusive video HERE. He deserves an award for this one.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The psychic parade

After my last post, which touched on psychos and psycho-babbling on the Internet, I thought I'd shift gears and share what supposed psychics had to say to Crimeline, OCSO and ACISS about Caylee Anthony's whereabouts within days and weeks of her publicized disappearance in mid-July, 2008. Of course, she was last seen a month earlier, but at the time of these reports, she was merely listed as a missing child. No one actually knew she was already deceased. A lot of us had our inner-feelings, but only the psychics knew where she was and whether she was still alive... or not...

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Nunc pro tunc no slam dunk

In Latin, nunc pro tunc literally translates into "now for then." In other words, retroactive. Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. listened to several matters brought up at the hearing held on October 29, including issues over funding that dated back to months earlier, hence, nunc pro tunc. Four days later, on November 2, the judge delivered his ORDER ADDRESSING RETAINMENT AND PAYMENT OF EXPERTS, INVESTIGATORS, MITIGATION SPECIALIST, AND OTHER COSTS. Written in chambers, without bravado and with his usual brevity, it addresses three separate motions filed earlier by Casey Anthony's defense.